Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are the sacraments that we first encounter upon entering the Church. The initial conversion to the message and life of Jesus Christ is the primary purpose of these sacraments. You can receive these sacraments of initiation at any time in your life, but many receive these sacraments as children and youth.
Baptism for Children (Ages Birth to 6 Years)
Baptism is a communal celebration of new life welcoming a child into the Christian community. The whole St. Tim's parish community celebrates with parents and godparents at this joyful milestone.
Baptisms are currently being celebrated after Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass.
In order to be spiritually prepared for this significant moment, parents are required to attend a baptism class if they have not done so in the past. Instructions regarding the choice of godparents and details of the celebration are included in the class. Call Kristen at the the parish office or send an email to to learn more about classes for parents and godparents.
If you are looking for information on baptism for an older child or adult please call Cindy Novak at the parish office to inquire about OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) or OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults).