Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
May we give generously of what we have to those in need, that all people may be provided for, and know that they are loved, we pray...
May government leaders and those running for elected office be guided by principles of peace, justice, honesty and integrity, we pray:
May victims of storms, fires, and other disasters receive the help and care they need to rebuild what they have lost, we pray...
May the sick and the suffering benefit from the inspired and dedicated treatment of their caregivers, we pray...
May our nation, and all nations and families divided by disputes and disagreements, find ways to celebrate all that unites us, we pray...
May those who mourn the loss of loved ones know peace, we pray...
For the Church: for steadfast efforts to build up the community of faith with love and compassion, in good times and in bad, we pray...
For victims of abuse and neglect: for healing and strength, and for renewed faith and trust, we pray...
For married couples: for grace to continue to choose each day to honor their promises, we pray...
For renewed efforts to protect the unborn, to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, to care for the environment, and to end war and violence, we pray...
For the people of the Southeast US, for victims and survivors of all natural disasters, and for the health and safety of those working to rebuild and restore, we pray...
For the sick and those in pain, and for those who strive to ease their suffering, we pray...
For those who have died, and for those who mourn, we pray...
May we, the Church, be inspired to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and build up the kingdom of God in our community and our world, we pray...
May victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse experience healing and strength, and find their faith and trust restored, we pray...
May honesty, integrity, and respect for all life guide our elected officials, those running for office, and all who hold positions of authority, power and influence, we pray...
May God open our eyes to the inherent good in ourselves and in those around us, that we may recognize Christ in all people, we pray...
May our world come to know a true and lasting end to war, and may victims of such violence know protection and peace, we pray...
May the weary find rest, the sick know healing, the weak be strengthened, and the lost gain hope, we pray...
May our deceased loved ones, and all who have died, enjoy the fullness of peace in heaven, we pray...
May the Church grow in holiness and mercy, and may those virtues guide us to help those in need, we pray...
May nations wracked by war, famine, and political unrest find some measure of peace, prosperity and tranquility, we pray...
May we exercise loving care for the earth, protecting it from harm and working to ensure its richness for generations to come, we pray...
May all children, in particular those orphaned or neglected, be received into homes and hearts where they can experience love and peace as they grow, we pray...
May our elected officials be guided by a spirit of compassion and fairness, as they strive to serve the common good, and promote peace and justice for all, we pray...
May those living with illness, and those in need of any kind, receive the care and assistance they long for, we pray...
May those who have died find rest in the presence of God, we pray...
For clergy, parents, teachers and catechists, and all who give of themselves to share and teach the faith to others, we pray...
For the young people of our parish beginning a new year of faith formation this week; may they always grow in faith, hope and love, we pray...
For victims and survivors of storms, earthquakes, fires, and other destructive acts of nature, we pray...
For a greater respect and reverence for the gift of creation, that we might safeguard our environment for generations to come, we pray...
For those who struggle to provide for themselves and their loved ones, and for just compensation for honest work, we pray...
For those serving in our military, for law enforcement personnel, firefighters, first responders, and all who sacrifice to keep us free from harm, we pray...
For those who have died, for those who mourn, and for hope in the promise of eternal life, we pray...