Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
Acolytes are fully initiated members of the Church who serve at liturgy on a rotating basis. In conjunction with altar servers (see below), they make necessary preparations and assist the presider during the liturgy.
Altar servers are young people (grade 5 through Confirmation) who pair with the acolytes to make necessary preparations for liturgy and assist the presider during the liturgy. Scheduled on a rotating basis.
Plan, set up, maintain, and tear down church décor to suit the Church’s liturgical seasons and feasts.
Lectors proclaim Scripture readings, share parish announcements, and lead the prayers of the faithful. To serve as a lector one should be at ease speaking before a large group of people, has a love of Scripture, and is willing to spend time preparing the readings. Preparational materials are provided.
The projectionist uses a computer and remote control mouse to operate screen projectors for liturgical music and prayer. A basic understanding of liturgy and some computer know-how is needed, as well as an unflappable spirit.
These ministers are scheduled to distribute the Eucharist, either in the form of bread or wine, at Eucharistic liturgies on a rotating basis.
Men, women, and youth are invited to be part of a team which greets and seats worshippers, collects the offering, directs an orderly flow at communion time, passes out bulletins at the end of Mass, and ensures that the church is neat and orderly after the liturgy.
Click here for the usher's manual.
Click here for the greeter's manual.
Carry the processional cross in the opening procession at Mass.